Google assistant tips and tricks

Hey Guys welcome to Tech News,Today I am going to show you some 9+ weird google assistant tricks that you must try with your Android.

These tricks are cool and awesome which you must try on your Android and have some fun with it. 
In fact, they also make your work easier and save you a lot of time.

    So, lets get started,

    9+ weird Google assistant tricks that you must try

    Make your assistant read for you.

    For making your assistant read for you, you have to use this term on google assistant.

    Just wake up your assistant by saying "hey google" or "Ok google" and say "Google please read this page" .And the google assistant will start reading that page, which give you comfort and makes your work more easier.

    Google assistant tips and tricks

    Hum to identify Music.

    this is one of my favorite feature of google assistant,thus feature can identify what song you are trying to search by humming(by just some beats of song).

    Just wake up your assistant and say "Hey google, identify this song", and google will listen the beats for few seconds and it will show you few songs related to same beats and you have to choose the correct song which you actually want.The best part of this feature is you can even add that song to your playlist.

    9+ weird Google assistant tricks that you must try in 2021

    Make your assistant to play a game with you.  

    For making your assistant to play a game with you then you just need to say "hey google, start a game" or say "hey google, i am feeling lucky". Google will respond by showing you list of games and asking you few questions. And when you want to stop it, "say stop".

    Google assistant tips and tricks

    Create shopping list. 

    Google can create a shopping list for you, which you want to purchase.

    For making your assistant to create a shopping list you have to say "ok google, Add groundnut, cashew, walnuts, raisins(etc) to my shopping list". and you are done whenever you will say google what is in my shopping list, it will show you your shopping list.

    This is awesome and also decreases our stress of remembering such a big shopping list.

    Google assistant tips and tricks

    Google can be you interpreter. 

    Yes,you read right, google assistant can be your interpreter, it can translate each and every sentence into English or in any language.

    for making your assistant interpreter you have to say " hey google , be my English interpreter " instead of English you can say the language in which you want the translation.

    Google assistant tips and tricks

    Google can read your whatsapp or messaging messages for you.

    For making your google assistant read your unread messages you have to say "hey google, show my messages" And google will read your all unread messages.

    Google assistant tips and tricks

    Google assistant can take screenshot of your mobile screen. 

    Google assistant can even take screenshot of your screen without any effort of pressing multiple buttons or touching screen.

    For making your assistant to take screenshot,you have say "hey google, take screenshot" . And the screenshot is taken.But remember after assistant taken screenshot the share box appears and for saving it you have to share it with someone.

    Google assistant tips and tricks

    Note: This method of taking screenshot can also allow you to take hidden screenshots in applications like Snapchat.

    Google assistant can analyze image and show you the best results. 

    Google assistant can also analyze image and show the best results related to image and help in solving our queries.

    For using this feature of google assistant you have to say "hey google, open the google lens". And the camera turns on and then you have to point the camera towards subject. And you are done, the google will process for few seconds and show you the best results for the image.

    Make Google Assistant your friend and chat with it.

    Google assistant can also be you friend to talk with you. You can have conversation with it but remember one thing whatever you converse with google assistant it is saved in google. To make google assistant as your friend say " hey google, can you talk with me"

    Tip-: To delete your google assistant history just say "hey google,delete our today's conversation" or "delete my today's Google assistant activity."

    This are some common useful features of google assistant which we need in our daily life.

    Just say this to google assistant for some more features

    More from Google assistant

    10) Make a phone call (calls on mobile)

    11) Show me my images (Photos)

    12) Take a selfie(camera)

    13) Send an email to mom (email)

    14) Open YouTube (or any app)

    15) How tall is the Eiffel tower (answer to queries by google search)

    16) Read my WhatsApp messages (WhatsApp)

    17) Send a text message (messages)

    18) What time is now? (clock)

    19) What is weather today (weather)

    20) Tell me sports news (sports facts)

    21) Define abracadabra (dictionary)

    22) Any petrol pump nearby (Google maps)

    23) Turn on flashlight (access to mobile gadgets)

    24) Tell me stock market news (News)

    25) Open Instagram (open apps and websites)

    26) Turn on do not disturb ( access to digital wellbeing)

    27) Say any interesting fact (facts)

    Do you know ....?
    How to activate google assistant without touching screen?
    Just go to google settings and open google assistant.
    Click on voice
    Just enable voice activation, and you are done
    Now on calling hey google, google gets activated automatically.

    These are weird google assistant tricks that you must try in 2021. With the help of this tricks and features of google assistant, you can have fun with these tricks as well as reduces your work accordingly.

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    Thanks for reading.